SURE GRIP Hand Control System

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The SURE GRIP hand control system was specifically designed to give drivers the benefit of controlling a vehicle with both hands on the wheel. This creates a significantly safer, smoother driving experience for those with mobility challenges.

More Control, Improved Safety for Disabled Drivers

SURE GRIP is the #1 manufacturer of hand controls and driving aids for disabled persons in the United States. Some of their most notable hand control systems include:

Push/Rock (Left hand)

With this operating system, the operating handle is in a vertical position. The driver eases the handle back to accelerate and pushes forward to brake. The unique rocking motion allows full-range braking and acceleration with minimal hand travel while keeping the hand in a natural position.

Push/Right Angle

The Push/Right Angle design doesn’t pivot or move when the accelerator is applied. The pivot point for the SURE GRIP control is on the left-hand side of the wheel, and only the handle pivots. This type of stationary main body has many benefits for the driver including:

  • Increased leg room for getting in and out of the vehicle
  • Full acceleration without the control hitting the drivers lap
  • Greater 2-handed contact with the steering wheel due to the shortened stroke of the handle
  • And More!

Push/Pull (Right hand)

The Push/Pull design features a pivot point on the right-hand side of the wheel close to the handle, which allows for a shorter stroke and greater leverage. Also, the position of the handle is at a slight angle, making it easier for the driver to manage. Additional benefits of SURE GRIP’s unique Push/Pull hand control design include:

  • Less strain on fingers and thumb
  • Flexible hand positions for lower fatigue and cramping while driving
  • The ability for both hands to keep contact with the steering wheel

Push/Twist (Left hand)

The Push/Twist design uses the same motorcycle style acceleration as other Push/Twist control. However, the main difference is that it has an auxiliary handle, which makes the twisting motion easier and allows for longer, more comfortable driving.

  • Additional benefits include:
  • Superior pedal feel, with constant acceleration and no “dead spots”
  • Lower fatigue while driving
  • Limited modifications to the vehicles dash
  • Easier braking

Push/Rock (Right hand)

The Push/Rock design places the operating handle in a vertical position. From here, the driver eases the handle back to accelerate and pushes forward to brake. The unique rocking motion allows full-range braking and acceleration with minimal hand travel. It also keeps the driver’s hand in a natural position. 

A comprehensive hand control system, like SURE GRIP, allows those with mobility challenges to partake in conventional driving while enjoying a non-intrusive, easy-to-use system, designed with their specific needs in mind.

Whether you’re more focused on performance or simple, everyday driving, SURE GRIP offers a hand control system that keeps disabled drivers in touch with the road.